Leadership & SIAMS
Steve Cowdery
School Improvement Adviser
[email protected]
Steve Cowdery has worked for Salisbury Diocese since January 2021 with a 24-year history of teaching and leading in community and church schools including 10 years of church school headship. As well as a School Improvement Adviser, Steve holds the strategic leadership of the SDBE Partnership Service Agreement, SDBE Programme for Church School Flourishing, SIAMS and Headteacher recruitment.
Governance, RE & Collective Worship
Nicola Coupe
School Improvement Adviser
[email protected]
Nicola Coupe joined the SDBE in 2018. She has over 30 years’ teaching
and leadership experience in both the primary and secondary sectors,
within both large and small schools, in Reading, Outer London and
In Wiltshire since 2009 Nicola has built up her experience of school
improvement particularly in small schools (first
as Head Teacher of Easton Royal Community Primary School and
then as Executive Principal of Burbage Primary School), leading their
rapid improvement to secure ‘Good’ Ofsted ratings in 2013 and 2015
From 2012, as ‘Primary Strategy Lead’ within Excalibur Academies Trust (a multi-academy trust with
schools in Wiltshire, Bristol and Berkshire), Nicola has worked successfully with senior leaders and
governors around raising standards, building capacity and improving monitoring and evaluation.
Nicola is also an advisor on The Prince’s Teaching Institute’s (PTI) research-led Primary Leadership
In particular, Nicola’s experience enables her to support schools to develop senior leadership, build
a robust system of staff appraisal and support, improve teaching and learning and the school’s use
of data, improve outcomes for children/young people and ensure effective school monitoring and
evaluation. She is also experienced in the formation of an academy trust and the work involved in
leading a school through academy conversion.
In these changing and exciting times in education, Nicola is looking forward to working alongside
you and your team to achieve the vision of excellence you have for your school.
Dan Roberts
Foundation Governor and Academy Trusts Adviser
[email protected]
Dan Roberts, is our FGATA. Dan has previously been a Secondary School Teacher, Pest Control Officer and a Fish Farmer. He has served in a number of voluntary roles which include, Foundation Governor, Multi Academy Trust Trustee and Chair for 4 1/2 years of a small primary phase MAT.
He has also been Lay Chair of a Deanery, A Church Warden and is currently a Member of the Leadership team in his Church. Dan supports governance in church schools and academy trusts.
He also advises governing bodies on converting to academy status as part of MAT.
The Resource Library
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Knowing where to get hold of resources and support materials is always a challenge. We are creating a library of resources so that you have a one-stop-shop for support. We are always open to suggestions so please let us know if you would like something added.