The course will give a brief overview of the requirements of Ofsted as well as SIAMs in the development of spirituality across the Curriculum.

Attendees will receive guidance, resources and helpful nationally recognised models to enable them to lead a review and to secure a ‘whole school’ definition of Spirituality in their school.

Time will be given for attendees to look at resources and to carry out curriculum planning.

  • When & Where?

    09:30 - 15:00, Thursday 9 May 2024 in Wilton, Salisbury

  • Who should attend?

    Senior School Leaders/Head Teachers, CEO, RE Leads, CW Leads and CYP Leaders, PSHE Leaders & Chaplains

What's included?

  • Online learning community area for peer to peer support

  • Discounted rate for PSA Schools

Don't Miss Out - Limited Spaces Available

Booking is Essential! Enrolment Closing Date is 2 May 2024

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds