Virtual PSA Course: Collective Worship Session 2 - UKS2, KS3 KS4 - Young People's Leadership of CW - 11 June 24 - PM
CourseAre you Building Confidence in Pupil Leadership of Collective Worship? This virtual course is for you! Bring all or some of your pupil worship team along to this virtual session aimed at schools with primary age pupils.
Virtual Bespoke CPD Course: Emmanuel Project - Replay
CourseFor schools that have bought or are thinking of buying The Emmanuel Project resource to support their teaching of RE. This is a recording of November 2023's presentation from Gemma Taylor the RE Adviser in Suffolk SACRE.
PCSF Microsite Refresher
Course -
Introduction to the Diocese for New Headteachers : 17th September 2024
CourseI'm in a new post as a leader of a church school - how does this look in another school? An opportunity to see church school distinctiveness 'lived out' in practice This course is free to PSA Schools; Please ask your school for your Coupon Code.
Bespoke CPD Course: Building Spirituality in your Church School - 9 May 2024
CourseSpiritual development is important for human flourishing and mental wellbeing – come and work on building your school curriculum to provide opportunities for growth in this element of learning.
Bespoke CPD Course: SIAMS SEF Writing - 2 May 24
CourseAre you ready to review and update your SIAMS SEF? This course will support you in writing your SIAMS SEF; guiding and inspiring you and give you time to write! Discounted rates for PSA & PCSF schools; please ask your school for your coupon code.